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Concrete-Pictoria-Abstract (CPA) Approach

The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach is a powerful teaching method designed to foster a deep and lasting understanding of mathematics in learners.
Developed by the American psychologist Jerome Bruner, CPA is a fundamental technique within the Singapore method for teaching maths for mastery.
Proven by a PISA study showing Singapore students consistently ranking among the top performers in math, science and reading, the CPA Approach is at the heart of their academic success.
Recognising this, Smartli places a strong emphasis on incorporating the CPA Approach to ensure a transformative and highly effective learning experience.
Teaching Methodology with CPA Approach
Smartli, the innovative math learning app integrates the powerful CPA Approach with engaging fun math games, math quizzes and math puzzles.
Specially crafted as an educational game for kids, Smartli transforms math concepts into a captivating digital learning experience.
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