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What Are Fine Motor Skills in Kids

Charis Chio

The movements that your child makes while using smaller muscles of hands and forearms commonly in activities like using scissors, pencils, opening lunch boxes or buttons is fine motor skills.

These efficiency of these skills significantly impact the quality and time taken to perform various tasks. Autonomous skills are required to cooperate and properly control the object or to perform daily tasks, a lack of which can cause loss of self esteem and low confidence in a child.

So what are some key fine motor skills ?

How do you identify the lack of fine motor skills in a child?

- Constantly fidgeting and unable to perform tasks needing to be sat down.

- Showing no interest in pencil or scissors skills

- Avoiding self care activities and depending on parents to do it for them

- Being bossy with peers and asking them to do tasks instead

- Higher interest in passive activities like watching TV to avoid activities that requiring fine motor skills

Why are these skills important?

Without these abilities to perform daily tasks consistently, a kid’s confidence is deeply affected and their play options and academic skills are compromised. It could greatly reduce their sense of individuality and make them highly reliant on their guardians. Basic skills like dressing up or eating themselves will be limited. In the long run, lacking in fine motor skills can affect their social life with family and friends.

Some children show slow progression in displaying these skills. Ongoing trouble with fine motor skills could be a sign of developmental coordination disorder. However, it is best to always consult a professional to get confirmation and help your child in developing these skills.



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